Political Theatre in Thailand: Makhampon

From 1973 to 1976, Thailand enjoyed its brief moment of “democratic sunshine” before behind crushed by a brutal military crackdown, known as the October Event. A small, but vocal political theatre movement emerged as part of the student democracy movement, but was largely dispersed following the crackdown, either to join the Communist Party of Thailand in the jungles, into exile overseas, or into underground activities in the urban centres.

The Makhampom Theatre Group was formed in 1981, less as a company of artists, than as a group of activists. They are engaged in education, youth theatre, devised theatre, production and touring. They actively combine Thai traditional forms with new international forms, and their director, Pradit (Tua) Prasartthong, was recently awarded Thailand’s prize for “Best Contemporary Artist”.


As Thailand confronts more political upheaval, we wonder how these artists will respond / fare…

  • 13 04 2009 - 10:20