A Kapital Idea

A collective of young German directors who work under the name “Rimini Protokoll”, which somehow manages to sound provocative, hipsterian, bureaucratic and like the title of a Frederick Forsythe novel, have produced a stage version of Marx’ Das Kapital. Although the Suddeutsche Zeitung apparently found it at times “dry and boring”, it is still an audacious and amusing idea. Featuring characters such as a vitriolic anti-consumerist and a blind telemarketer, the show is a collage of reactions to Marx’ seminal work. Each audience member even receives a copy of Volume 23 of the Collected Works of Marx and Engels to read on the subway on the way home.

We look forward to stagings of Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations and Milton Friedman’s The Methodology of Positive Economics.

Check out their great website.

  • 9 11 2006 - 16:56